Lip Color Tips

Interview with Ceci Torres

Join us as we learn Ceci’s story of how she got started and continued in the makeup industry for Ballroom dancers. As a dancer herself she understands what dancers want and need. Ceci travels to competitions as a hair and makeup artist. During these travels she has developed line of makeup to meet the needs of her dancing clients that are not only beautiful but also not harmful to the environment or our skin. She has spent time researching to find what works best – for example for aging women we need a lip stick that will not run into the creases. Watch this video to see how to apply the lip creme and matte reverse.


Ceci Torres Interview - Step 1

Tips for Application

Find a color that matches your skin tone and dress.

How do you find our if you are warm or cool?

Look at veins on the inside of your wrist. If they are predominately blue you are more cool tone. If they are green then you are warm tone. 

Start with corner at the top of the lips – Make an X

If you wish to widen the lip, a good place is just below the round part of the bottom lip and/or the top of the top lip. 


Ceci Torres Interview - Step 2

Use the little tip on the wand to get the corners of your lips and to line

Finish with lining the lips with the color

Fill the bottom and top lip with the wide part of the wand

Make sure it dry a little bit before adding the Matte Reverse so that it lasts longer

Replenish color as needed throughout the day where your lips meet


Interview with Ceci Step 3

Apply the Matte Reverse for a smooth gloss feel

Shop the Lip Creme and Matte Reverse from the Fall Box

More colors and other makeup products are available on Ceci’s website – 


Tips for Washing Face and Makeup

Once the comptetion is over and you are ready to take your makeup off and clean your face, follow these steps.

  1. Use a Makeup Earser cloth and hot water.
  2. Use a cream based makeup remover to clean eyes and lips of color.
  3. Dry your face with a clean towel
  4. Apply moisturizer
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