Small Biz shopping
We are so thrilled to be a part of the The Product Boss Podcast Small Business Directory! Check out the Holiday section to find info on The Ballroom Box.
Take the 1 in 5 pledge to shop from small businesses this holiday season
✨ You’re contributing to their family and household.
✨You’re helping them hire teams and support other businesses.
✨You’re helping them improve and build up local communities.
✨You’re keeping the economy going through your purchasing power.
✨ You’re stimulating innovation and job creation.
You’re helping to make magic happen. SHOP and SHARE hundreds of small businesses online –

We’re so honored you’re here because we believe your dollar goes further when you spend with small businesses.

Your purchases have the ability to change lives.


That’s why, here at the Directory, we’re inviting you to take the Shop 1 in 5 Pledge with us — it’s a commitment to make 1 in 5 of your purchases from a small business, online or “offline”. It’s a way to make an impact together where (and when) it matters most.

Because, the truth is: your purchasing power matters NOW more than ever. Did you know that between February and April 2020, 3.3 million Small Businesses in the US closed? That’s 22% of Small Businesses that were suddenly wiped out due to the shutdowns in response to the pandemic.¹ This was the largest drop on record. We need small businesses and small businesses need us.

But, here’s the amazing part: small businesses have an unrivaled potential to create jobs and put money back into the community and economy. (That’s why small businesses are considered the “backbone” of the economy — they are also responsible for 41.7% of the US private workforce² — and what happens with small business impacts everything.) That’s why we created the Shop 1 in 5 Pledge. It’s a movement to support small businesses for potential and essential growth. It’s a way to insert small business purchases in our own lives in an effort to impact others. It’s a way for us to do this together because we’re in this together. So, please join us and take the pledge today.

Take the Pledge

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